Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Washing Dishes ~ My P.O.V."

For our first week in Beyond Beyond, Kim challenged us to spend some time really examining and contemplating our subject and to focus on varying angles and points-of-view. Also in her post, she spoke of "being present" in the moment and shared what she goes through when she washes her dishes. Very interesting and inspiring. Later that afternoon and without conscience awareness of Kim's post, I was part way through washing my own dishes and had a "light bulb moment" -- why not shoot my experience of washing dishes by hand?
This is my take of her "Capture Challenge." What you see here are various shots and angles of my dish washing process; the middle photo at the bottom shows my view when I look out the window above the sink - from the knick-knacks on the shelf to the trees across the street.
Main image was changed to sepia and processed with Kim's "Sunday" and "1412" textures.

Week 1 ~ Capture Challenge

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the first post in my new blog for 2013! I intend for this to be a venue to share photos and projects from Kim Klassen's "Beyond Beyond" group, but I will also be including my own personal journal entries and notes from my daily devotions. I'll most likely be updating once a week, but may post more often on occasion. Please feel free to comment or ask questions - even leave a {gentle} critique on my photos or projects if you so desire - I enjoy feedback and input, so don't hesitate to say something if you feel so led.

Those of you who already know me - either in person or from other online sites - know that I am a follower of Jesus Christ and my posts here will reflect that. I try hard not to "preach at" people, but I won't apologize for sharing my heart through my art, nor in my journalling. If you find anything offensive, please know that it was not intended, but be aware that I will not hide my light under a bushel. 

I realize that this blog is a little boring to look at right now, but I will be adding eye candy in the days to come. My internet connection is sporadic and sometimes it shuts off for hours at a time, which makes it a challenge to upload.

I hope to see my current friends pop in when you can and I hope to make some new friends too, during this year of creativity, sharing and personal growth!

Hugs to All - kim