Thursday, February 7, 2013

Your Love, O Lord...

Beginning Jan 1st, I've given the first part of my day to the Lord, spending time with Him in prayer and devotion. On Monday, I was reading Psalm 36 and I realized that this passage is where Mac Powell and Third Day got their inspiration for their song, "Your Love, O Lord." This is one of my (many) favorite songs of theirs and I was inspired to make the digital art piece, shown here. The photo is of Mt. McKinley, taken by me in July 2010 on a train trip to Denali National Park.

Here is part of my journaling, written after reading Psalm 36 --

May I find Strength and Peace and Hope in the shadow of Your wings, my Abba... May I run with Your Holy Spirit, the race You have set before me. May I soar with You higher than I've ever been and faster than I've ever gone...

-- klb

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this song and Psalms as well! And I too have been trying to start each day with with Him alone, before distractions start in. My dog sometimes gets me up at 4:30....he's 'starving' ya know...and I usually get a bit perturbed with him. But lately, I realize it's my 'wake up call' from God.

    WONDERFUL photo treatment!


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